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New Orleans Jazz uden for Amerika

“Music is my life”
…New Orleans Jazz in particular…
Søren Doc Houlind, født i Lemvig, begyndte i 1964 at spille jazz. Det var i gymnasietiden. I 1971 rejste han for første gang til New Orleans, jazzens fødeby, hvor han studerede trommespil hos legendariske Cié Frazier.
Efter at være vendt hjem igen, blev Søren hurtigt kendt som en af de fineste og mest respekterede trommeslagere, og dette gav ham trommestolen i det berømte Papa Bue’s Viking Jazzband hvor han turnerede verden rundt i næsten 10 år fra 1980-90.
I 1984 fik han bevilliget et års orlov fra Buerne for at swinge trommestikkerne hos Lillian Boutté & her Music Friends. Doc Houlind bosatte sig i New Orleans hos familien Boutté. Herfra udgik de mange tournéer til USA & Europa. I begge bands høres Doc Houlind på talrige LP/CD udgivelser.
I starten af 1990’erne besluttede Doc Houlind at føre en livslang drøm ud i livet: At lede sit eget jazzorkester i New Orleanstraditionen.
Han lagde hårdt ud med at styre beatet bag trommerne fra år 1992 til 2000 med et yderst kompetent orkester omkring sig. Herefter fulgte årene frem til 2017 hvor han kørte hele bandet fra fronten som trompetist og vokalist, inspireret af de største som Kid Howard og Louis Armstrong. I 2005 var han udvalgt til at lede European All Stars Band.
I dag er han tilbage hvor det hele startede i gymnasiet og New Orleans, bag trommerne.
I mange år har Doc Houlind været en nøgleperson til at skaffe solister fra New Orleans til Femøs Jazzfestival og lægge orkester til. Af blot nogle få kan nævnes Alton Purnell, Thomas Jefferson og Paul “Polo” Barnes, som han også indspillede plader med.
Søren Doc Houlind, born in Lemvig, started playing jazz in 1964. It was in high school. In 1971, he traveled to the birthplace of jazz, New Orleans for the first time, where he studied drumming with the legendary Cie Frazier.
After returning home, Søren quickly became known as one of the finest and most respected drummers, and this gave him the place as a drummer with the famous Papa Bue’s Viking Jazzband where he toured the world for almost 10 years from 1980-90.
In 1984 he was granted a year’s leave from Papa Bue to swing the drumsticks in the very fine company of Lillian Boutté & her Music Friends. Doc Houlind settled in New Orleans with the Boutté family. From here, the many tours to the US & Europe departed. In both bands, Doc Houlind is heard on numerous LP / CD releases.
In the early 1990s, Doc Houlind decided to pursue a lifelong dream: To lead his own jazz band in the New Orleans tradition.
He started out setting the beat behind the drums from 1992 to 2000 with a highly competent band around him. Then followed the years leading up to 2017 when he was leading the entire band from the front as trumpeter and vocalist, inspired by the greats like Kid Howard and Louis Armstrong. In 2005, he was selected to lead the European All Stars Band.
Today, he is back where it all started in high school and New Orleans, behind the drums.
For many years he has been a key figure in getting soloists from New Orleans for the Femø Jazz Festival, and putting bands together for them. Just a few to mention include Alton Purnell, Thomas Jefferson and Paul “Polo” Barnes, with whom he also did recordings.